Prior to starting any commercial exploitation of the oil field, formation geotechnical surveys must be carried out. This is necessary for accurate determination of the intervals to be surveyed. After reservoir fluid is extracted, necessary hydrodynamic characteristics are calculated on its basis. The results are obtained in the form of geological and physical parameters of rocks that are intersected by a well.
Unfortunately, geotechnical surveys whilst drilling wells do not make it possible to map the formation with one-meter accuracy, but enables to carry out dynamical tests on some intervals under conditions that are as close as possible to operational ones. Geotechnical surveys are carried out not only to increase the efficiency of field development, but also to ensure the safety of processes, to be accident-free.
Geotechnical surveys and gas logging are carried out using Geotest-5 geotechnical survey station. High-precision gas analyzing equipment, a functionally equipped geological cabin and software adapted to the tasks to be performed allow for efficient implementation of
- section sampling of cuttings,
- fractional analysis of cuttings,
- determination of carbonate content and rock density,
- luminescent analysis of cuttings and drilling mud,
- continuous gas extraction from the flow of flush fluid at the well outlet,
- determination of bulk and total gas content of drilling mud,
- continuous measurement of saturated hydrocarbons content in gas mixtures extracted from the flush fluid,
- periodic thermovacuum degassing (TVD) of sample solutions, cuttings and core samples
- Optimizing obtaining geological and geophysical information – selection and correction of core and cuttings sampling intervals.
- Revealing of reference horizons.
- Prompt lithologic-stratigraphic dismemberment of the section, marking promising oil and gas objects.;
- Determining formation saturation nature.
- Assessing of reservoir bed permeability and porosity properties.Detecting gas, oil, water contacts.Monitoring survey processes and determining formation hydrodynamic and process characteristics.